South Dakota Dems reveal their true colors

South Dakota Dems reveal their true colors

The past few weeks of South Dakota’s 2024 legislative session have been enlightening – mostly because it is here that we see legislators’ true colors; whether they will put their words into action, or renege on their promises. Sadly, several legislators have...
SD Senate fails to protect children – HB1116

SD Senate fails to protect children – HB1116

Today the South Dakota Senate failed to protect children. Senator Novstrup asked the chamber to calendar a bill that would have implemented basic protections for children and ensured that state resources aren’t used for obscene performances. Citizens across the state...
FHA Day at the Capitol!

FHA Day at the Capitol!

Join us January 17 for our Day at the Capitol! Are you ready to learn more about how the Legislative process works? Interested in meeting your legislators? Ready to make new friends? Are you passionate about protecting family values? Then join us on January 17!...