South Dakota Dems reveal their true colors

South Dakota Dems reveal their true colors

The past few weeks of South Dakota’s 2024 legislative session have been enlightening – mostly because it is here that we see legislators’ true colors; whether they will put their words into action, or renege on their promises. Sadly, several legislators have...
The Victims of Transition

The Victims of Transition

  This year at the Capitol there were three courageous people whose stories deserve to be heard. The topic of gender “transition” has been in the news nearly every week since the introduction of the “Help not Harm” act back in January, but there are three people...
Help Not Harm Legislation Introduced

Help Not Harm Legislation Introduced

Tuesday, January 17, FHA Action joined Representative Bethany Soye for her announcement of the Help Not Harm legislation. The legislation would stop the chemical castration and genital mutilation of children in South Dakota. The announcement comes shortly after the...
Your Tax Dollars Went to a Radical LGBT Group

Your Tax Dollars Went to a Radical LGBT Group

What could you do with $136,000? This year during “pride month” the SD Department of Health (DOH) contracted with the Transformation Project, bringing them on as a “consultant” and agreeing to pay them $136,000. The contract was exposed in a recent article by the...