These are the actions we worked on during the 2016, 2017 & 2018 Legislative Sessions.

2018 Session


FHA Action Bill Number Description
SJR1 Proposing to the electors at the next general election an amendment to the Constitution of the State of South Dakota, to raise the threshold for a constitutional amendment to 55%.
SCR7 A Resolution Supporting the State of Israel.
HJR1006 Proposing and submitting to the electors at the next general election an amendment to the Constitution of the State of South Dakota, requiring that future amendments cover only one topic.
HJR1003 Rescinding House Joint Resolution 1001, adopted by the Ninetieth Legislature of the State of South Dakota pertaining to an Article V convention.
SJR7 Rescinding House Joint Resolution 1001, adopted by the Ninetieth Legislature of the State of South Dakota pertaining to an Article V convention.
SJR3 To apply for a convention of states under Article V of the Constitution of the United States to impose fiscal restraints on the federal government and limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government.



Criminal Justice

FHA Action Bill Number Description
HB1123 An act to prohibit certain persons suffering from a severe mental illness from receiving capital punishment.
SB61 An act to update provisions regarding sex offender registration.
SB64 An Act to revise certain provisions related to attempted human trafficking in the first degree and to provide a penalty therefor
SB67 An act to permit a victim of child sex trafficking or exploitation to expunge any criminal or delinquency record obtained as a result of the victimization.




FHA Action Bill Number Description
SB117 An act to revise certain provisions regarding the partners in education tax credit program.
HB1073 An Act to provide for the protection of free speech on the campuses of public institutions of higher education.
SB198 An Act to provide for the protection of free speech on the campuses of public institutions of higher education. (mirrored verbiage of HB1073)
SB94 An act to establish certain provisions regarding the opportunity scholarship program.
HB1120 An act to provide equal access for all students to participate in activities sponsored by the South Dakota High School Activities Association or school districts.
HB1221 An act to expand the partners in education tax credit program to include tribally controlled schools on a federally recognized Indian reservation.
HB1272 An act to remove the requirement that a parent have two witnesses sign their school exemption form before homeschooling their child. WITHDRAWN BY SPONSOR
FHA Green Flag
SB132 An act to establish an early learning advisory council to examine the need for early childhood education and make recommendations for increasing overall participation in early learning programs.
FHA Green Flag
SCR10 A resolution recognizing the need for early childhood education.




FHA Action Bill Number Description
HCR1008 A resolution recognizing that tobacco, alcohol, and other drug marketing have no place in the lives of the children of the state.
HB1269 An act to shorten the time frame for giving consent in adoption proceedings.
SB167 An act to revise certain provisions regarding the consideration of joint physical custody of a minor.
SB74 An act to create an exception to the minimum difference in age between adoptive parent and child.



FHA Action Bill Number Description
HB1279 An Act to increase the State’s percentage of video lottery income, to place the increased monies in a fund, and repeal video lottery in 2022.
SJR9 Propose on the ballot the ability for a single convention center in Yankton to have keno, craps, roulette, card games and slot machines.

Human Rights

FHA Action Bill Number Description
SCR13 Recognizing the root cause of the global war on terror.


Life – Sanctity of

FHA Action Bill Number Description
SB110 An act to establish certain findings pertaining to pre-abortion counseling practices by abortion providers in South Dakota and to amend provisions regarding mandatory third-party pre-abortion counseling.
SCR3 Committing the Legislature and urging the Governor, the Supreme Court, and the Attorney General to secure the blessings of life and liberty for South Dakota’s posterity.


Second Amendment

FHA Action Bill Number Description
HB1299 An act to require that entities who designate areas as gun free zones ensure guns are not present, whether that be through use of metal detectors or trained personnel. WITHDRAWN BY SPONSOR

2017 Session


FHA Action Bill Number Description
HB1069 Repeal the changes made by Initiated Measure 22
HB1200 An act to make public the names, addresses, and employers of the top 100 donors of an organization if that organization spends more than $50,000 on a ballot question.
SB171 An act to establish the Government Accountability Task Force to study government, campaign finance, lobbyist restrictions, and ethics.

SCR2 A resolution expressing support for the continued use of the Electoral College for our Presidential elections.

SJR2 SJR2 is a joint resolution that would be voted on by the people in the 2018 general election. It would change stipulations in the state Constitution regarding Constitutional amendments. Instead of a majority needed to pass in the House and Senate, it would require a two-thirds vote to go on the ballot. Then it would require a change from majority to 60% of the vote of the people to be approved..


FHA Action Bill Number Description
HB1122 An Act to clarify certain provisions regarding the process to be excused from public school attendance
HB1125 An act to make donor information relating to the “Partners in Education Tax Credit” a matter of public record.
SB115 An act to ensure the privacy of students in public school locker rooms, showers, and other changing facilities.
SB155 An act to establish an early childhood education pilot program and to make an appropriation therefor. (state funded pre-kindergarten)

SB156 An act to establish the South Dakota Early Learning Advisory Council to oversee the implementation of the early childhood education pilot-program. (state funded pre-kindergarten)

SB55 SB55 would ensure that a teacher is free to explain not only the strengths, but also the weaknesses of any scientific theory that is discussed in their classroom.



As our name implies, we are all about the family. From improving marriage relationships to raising healthy children, we want legislation to protect and defend the family

FHA Action Bill Number Description
SB149 An act to protect faith-based adoption agencies from Government discrimination.
Please thank the Governor for signing this bill.

Mailing Address:
Office of the Governor
500 East Capitol Avenue
Pierre, S.D. 57501
Phone Number:
E-mailing the Governor:
Click here for the Governor’s Email Page

SB81 An act to prohibit the manufacture, sale, or possession of powdered alcohol.
SCR4 A resolution recognizing the harmful effects of pornography, and categorizing it as a public health crisis.

Health Care

FHA Action seeks to safeguard the health care system in South Dakota. Health care is a massive family issue.

FHA Action Bill Number Description
SCR11 A resolution opposing physician assisted suicide

Human Rights

Our Declaration of Independence refers clearly to our human rights in stating “…That among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.” The issue of Human Rights is a multi-faceted topic including Human Trafficking, Domestic Violence, Protection of the Weak, or simply the freedom to live your life without unnecessary burdens.

FHA Action Bill Number Description
HB1118 An act to eliminate the need to prove the use of force, fraud, or coercion in the human trafficking of minors.
HB1143 An act to specify that someone 15 or under cannot be charged with prostitution.

SB102 An act to require that the name and telephone number of an organization fighting to end sex trafficking be given, in writing, to any woman seeking an abortion.

Life – Sanctity of

The phrase sanctity of life refers to the idea that human life is sacred and holy, argued mainly by the pro-life side in political and moral debates over such controversial issues as abortion, contraception, euthanasia, and embryonic stem-cell research in the United States.

FHA Action Bill Number Description
SCR13 An act to increase the penalty for performing an abortion of an unborn child capable of feeling pain. The phrase sanctity of life refers to the idea that human life is sacred and holy, argued mainly by the pro-life side in political and moral debates over such controversial issues as abortion, contraception, euthanasia, and embryonic stem-cell research in the United States.


FHA Action Bill Number Description
SB93 An act to adjust the marriage license fee and to provide a discounted rate for those who complete marriage counseling.


Second Amendment

FHA Action Bill Number Description
HB1299 An act to require that entities who designate areas as gun free zones ensure guns are not present, whether that be through use of metal detectors or trained personnel. WITHDRAWN BY SPONSOR

2016 Session

Child Protection

Protecting our children from harm, whether inside the home or outside of it, has always been important to the Family Heritage Alliance and her friends. There is much to be done when it comes to safe-guarding our children from child abuse, sexual abuse and child predators.

FHA Action Bill Number Description
HB1008 The Student Physical Privacy Act will protect the privacy of every public school student, while being sensitive to the student who has confusion about their gender. Governor Daugaard vetoed this bill.
HB1247 An act to require that school districts and child welfare agencies adopt a policy and provide access to training on sexual abuse.
Withdrawn by Sponsor
  SB168 Revising certain provisions regarding Human Trafficking.
SB169 Revise certain provisions regarding Child Pornography.

Criminal Justice

We are a nation under the rule of law. Our Pledge of Allegiance promises “justice for all”. Such is the challenge for the Family Heritage Alliance. We endeavor in our work at the capitol to ensure that the bills passed by the legislature provide justice for all.

FHA Action Bill Number Description
HB1225 An act to allow the forfeiture of assets related to a conviction of terrorism.
SB26 Require a sex offender to report changes in residence and occupation to the Chief of Police or Sheriff in addition to their parole officer. Also to require them to notify of foreign travel.
SB97 Allow class 2 misdemeanors to be automatically erased from public record after 10 years. (Law enforcement records would continue show the offense)



All legislation supported by the Family Heritage Alliance, regarding the education of South Dakota children, will be analyzed through a stringent filter. The proposed legislation would fail to meet our criteria if we deem the answers to one or more of six questions to be in the affirmative.

FHA Action Bill Number Description
HB1013 Remove the requirement for alternative educators to administer a nationally standardized achievement test at 2nd grade.
HB1112 HB1112 seeks to void and replace the transgender policy that the SDHSAA passed last year which allows a student to play on the sports team they feel they belong on, rather than the team their birth-sex dictates
HB1096 An act to allow parents to opt their student out of certain achievement tests.
HB1168 An act to require a parent to give written permission before their student may attend sexual education courses.
HB1209 An act to require that a state agency cannot ignore the sex of a student that is listed on their birth certificate.
Withdrawn by the Sponsor
HB1215 An act to give access to special ed. services for homeschool families.
SB83 Protect the teaching of scientific information in our schools, whether it be from an evolutionary standpoint or a creationist standpoint.
SB102 An act to allow the sale of alcohol on the campuses of state universities.
SB129 “Jason’s Law” would require that Teachers be given a 1-hour suicide prevention training as a part of their periodic re-certification.
SB159 To provide financial assistance for low-income families to send their kids to a private school.


As our name implies, we are all about the family. From improving marriage relationships to raising healthy children, we want legislation to protect and defend the family

FHA Action Bill Number Description
HB1110 An Act to provide prenatal care for non-citizen mothers.
SB54 Adopt the Elder Abuse Task Force’s recommendations to ensure the protection of South Dakota seniors.
SCR1 A resolution to show support for family caregivers.

Gambling – Halt Expansion Of

It is often repeated in government circles: “There is no free lunch”. So what does the gambling money really cost South Dakotans in devastated families, fraud, addiction, and suicides? It is the belief of FHA Action that allowing the gambling industry to keep expanding is a bet we just can’t take.

FHA Action Bill Number Description
HB1048 Would allow the SD Lottery Commission to increase the Video Lottery machine limit, the bet limit, and the win limit.

Health Care

FHA Action seeks to safeguard the health care system in South Dakota. Health care is a massive family issue.

FHA Action Bill Number Description
HB1067 An act to “promote quality, competition, and freedom of choice in the health insurance market place.”
This bill would essentially reverse Initiated Measure 17, passed by the voters in 2014.
SB171 An act to allow the medical use of Cannabidiol. (A Marijuana by-product.)

Human Rights

Our Declaration of Independence refers clearly to our human rights in stating “…That among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.” The issue of Human Rights is a multi-faceted topic including Human Trafficking, Domestic Violence, Protection of the Weak, or simply the freedom to live your life without unnecessary burdens.

FHA Action Bill Number Description
HCR1014 Calling for the United States to save Christians, Yazidis and people of other faiths from persecution and genocide
HCR1017 Commending the nation of Israel for its cordial and mutually beneficial relationship with the United States and with the State of South Dakota

Life – Sanctity of

The phrase sanctity of life refers to the idea that human life is sacred and holy, argued mainly by the pro-life side in political and moral debates over such controversial issues as abortion, contraception, euthanasia, and embryonic stem-cell research in the United States.

FHA Action Bill Number Description
HB1023 Require inspection results of abortion clinics to be available to the public.
HB1157 An act to require that a mother be given information about reversal procedures after taking the first step in a chemical abortion.
HB1212 Revising certain requirements relating to pregnancy help centers.
SB24 Prohibit the sale of fetal body parts.
SB72 Prohibit the abortion of an unborn child who is capable of experiencing pain and to provide a penalty therefor.


FHA Action takes very seriously the task of defending marriage as God defines it, promoting legislation that strengthens it, and opposing legislation that undermines it.

FHA Action Bill Number Description

Ensure government nondiscrimination in matters of religious beliefs and moral convictions.
Withdrawn by Sponsor

Second Amendment

FHA Action takes very seriously the task of defending marriage as God defines it, promoting legislation that strengthens it, and opposing legislation that undermines it.

FHA Action Bill Number Description

The 2nd Amendment to the U.S. Constitution provides for the right of the citizens to keep and bear arms. With the ever present attempts by many to undermine this vital right, the FHA supports legislation that protects


P.O. Box 329 Rapid City, SD  57709  


Family Heritage Alliance Action

Familiy Voice Action is a
501c4 corporation.

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