Stay Informed!


Louisiana & Oklahoma: The Bible belongs in schools

Louisiana & Oklahoma: The Bible belongs in schools

Louisiana and Oklahoma are bringing the Bible back to the public education system in two very important ways: Louisiana, by requiring every classroom to display the Ten Commandments, and Oklahoma, by requiring a Bible to be placed in every classroom. These historical...

Two huge wins for the pro-family cause

Two huge wins for the pro-family cause

Last week we received news of two major wins for the pro-family cause. The first was a Texas Supreme Court ruling that affirmed Senate Bill 14 – passed into law by the Texas legislature in 2023 – as constitutional which means it can continue to protect children from...

How Christians should respond to “Pride”

How Christians should respond to “Pride”

In June 2023, America was bombarded by companies supporting “Pride.” From a Bud Light ad of a biological male who falsely believed he was a female celebrating “one year of girlhood” to Target’s LGBT merchandise which featured “tucking” swimsuits for children and...

The fight against Mifepristone is not over

The fight against Mifepristone is not over

Last week we received the disappointing news that the US Supreme Court ruled unanimously that the coalition of pro-life doctors challenging the FDA’s approval of the abortion pill Mifepristone did not have standing to bring the case before the court, dismissing the...

Low voter turnout highlights the power of a single vote

Low voter turnout highlights the power of a single vote

June 4th was the Republican primary election in South Dakota. Three election workers were hired and paid hourly to sit at a polling location that only one individual would show up at in Harrold over the entire course of the day. Only 13 voters turned up at the Blunt...

What is a Banana Republic?

What is a Banana Republic?

The term “banana republic” often conjures up an image of unstable third world nations with dictatorial governments and widespread poverty, far removed from anything we might experience in America today. That bleak picture, however, is not always an accurate...

Are you ready to vote in the June 4th election?

Are you ready to vote in the June 4th election?

“Voting is the foundational act that breathes life into the principle of the consent of the governed.” – DeForest Soaries Next week, on June 4th, you will be tasked with the important act of voting in South Dakota’s primary election, where we will choose legislative...

Here are 3 reasons the abortion pill should be banned

Here are 3 reasons the abortion pill should be banned

In 2000, the FDA approved Mifepristone, the first of a two-drug protocol used to kill babies through the 10th week of pregnancy, as a “safe and effective” means of abortion. But in their fervor to provide an “easy,” non-surgical option for abortion, did they bypass...

Family Voice weighs in on SCOTUS abortion pill case

Family Voice weighs in on SCOTUS abortion pill case

The Supreme Court is currently hearing a case between Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine (AHM) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), in which the group of pro-life doctors is arguing that the FDA’s approval of the abortion drug mifepristone was “arbitrary and...

SCOTUS hears abortion pill case

SCOTUS hears abortion pill case

In 2000, the FDA approved mifepristone, the first of a two-drug protocol used to kill babies through the 10th week of pregnancy, as a “safe and effective” means of abortion. But in their fervor to provide an “easy,” non-surgical option for abortion, did they bypass...

2024 Legislative Scorecard

2024 Legislative Scorecard

Today, the Family Voice Action released its scorecard for the 2024 Legislative Session. The Family Voice scorecard gives a snapshot of where South Dakota legislators stand on issues impacting the family. Members of the House of Representatives were scored on 10 bills,...

SD Senators Killed Bill to Protect Children from P*rn

SD Senators Killed Bill to Protect Children from P*rn

This week a Senate committee killed a bill to protect children from pornography by requiring that explicit websites implement an age-verification system. The bill received overwhelming support in the House of Representatives, passing the chamber on a bi-partisan 62-6...

HB 1257: Protecting Kids from Porn

HB 1257: Protecting Kids from Porn

In 2017, the South Dakota legislature declared porn a public health crisis. It’s been seven years, and nothing substantial has changed. The time to stand up against the porn industry and protect our children and our society from this depravity is now, and it starts...

HB 1244: Protecting the public from manipulation tactics

HB 1244: Protecting the public from manipulation tactics

Have you ever been convinced to sign a petition and later realized the facts were misrepresented to you? Maybe not – but countless pro-life individuals in South Dakota fell victim to manipulation tactics used by the pro-abortion lobby in order to get their radical...

South Dakota Dems reveal their true colors

South Dakota Dems reveal their true colors

The past few weeks of South Dakota’s 2024 legislative session have been enlightening – mostly because it is here that we see legislators' true colors; whether they will put their words into action, or renege on their promises. Sadly, several legislators have taken a...

The gambling lobby wants more

The gambling lobby wants more

Over the past five years, we put a stop to nine different gambling expansion attempts in South Dakota. We know the gambling industry is profiting off the backs of addicts, destroying lives and families in its wake. We have no intention of seeing this harmful industry...

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  Family Policy Alliance


P.O. Box 329 Rapid City, SD  57709  


Family Heritage Alliance Action

Familiy Voice Action is a
501c4 corporation.

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